
Flu Shots: Few Misconceptions Why People Avoid and why they should

  Every year, health experts warn people to get the flu shots while the majority of people don’t take it seriously. According to the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , only 37% of U.S adults were estimated to have been vaccinated last flu season, a fall of 6% from the year before. Meanwhile, the  CDC estimates the flu  killed more than 80,000 people and caused more than 900,000 hospitalizations last year. A professor of Pediatrics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Dr. Deborah said, “it is better to have the flu shot, instead of getting flu. People who have seen children dying off from the flu or heard of adults losing their life from the flu, it’s hard for me to settle”. Let’s have a look at some of the misconceptions people have about the flu vaccine and the truth behind them. It Doesn’t Work Well, Why Should we get it In the past few decades, the  flu shot  is as effective as 44% on aver...

Walk-In Clinic: Top Injuries that can be treated

  Physical injuries are part of our daily lives. No matter, how much careful you are, you might be injured in the blink of an eye. The injury can occur whether you are playing football, stepped on an uneven surface resulting in a sprained ankle or tumble down the flight of stairs. In fact, you can get caught of injury anytime, even if you are not involved in some physical activity. The injury can be scary and the first thing that comes in mind is where to go. In this article, we are going to have a look at what types of injuries can be treated at  Urgent Care Clinics  for the best price and best care. Minor Burns At Urgent Care, doctors will be able to treat minor burns. A minor burn is a minor swelling with red color and painful experience. The skin doesn’t sore for a first-degree burn. While if the skin is blistering, it is a second or third-degree burn for which you should go to the emergency room. For minor burns, normally the area burnt is cleaned and ...

Common Q&A for The Immigration Medical Exam

  Immigration … a term we have all become familiar with lately. Due to recent immigration policy changes by President Trump, news sources throughout the county are featuring segments and articles on immigration daily. It’s become very popular topic among our elected leaders and those affected by immigration. The American dream is alive and well, and people all over the world continue to want to come to the United States, as shown in recent immigration numbers. In 2018 several changes were made to the immigration application. In addition to the new guidelines on the signature requirement, power of attorney signatures are no longer accepted.  The immigration mission statement has been changed to take out the words, “nation of immigrants,” the path to citizenship for DREAMers has been amended, new fees have been implemented, and more. At UrgentWay, we can help with one of the main requirements of the citizenship process … the medical examination. Here’s a quick overview of the re...

STD Facts: 5 Things You Need to Know

  What if someone asks, are you having safe sex and your answer is “sometimes” or “I think so”, you might need to worry a little. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention,  approximately 20 million new cases  of sexually transmitted diseases occur each year in the United States, and one half are among 15 to 24 years old. If you are jolted with the statistics, you might get an even bigger shock. According to the World Health Organization, more than 1 million sexually transmitted infections are reported every day worldwide. The purpose of this post is to help you out in knowing the facts about Sexually Transmitted Diseases. You might know a few of them while some of them will be new to you. Let’s have a look at facts about STD and  STD testing . Women are More Prone to STDs Compared to Men Women are more prone to STDs as compared to men but it has no link with sexual activity. It is only because of their physical str...

Urgent Care VS Primary Care Cost

  Despite the Affordable Care Act’s attempts to ensure all Americans have access to health insurance, many people are still without coverage because of incredibly high premiums. Some people do not have access to coverage through a job, and those that do often find their spouse is not covered under their employer’s plan. And, in states that did not expand Medicaid, many poor individuals and families remain ineligible for public coverage. According to a 2014 study done by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 27% of uninsured adults went without needed medical attention because they couldn’t afford to pay out of pocket. These individuals are also less likely to receive preventative care or services for chronic diseases. When the uninsured do seek care, they typically go to an emergency room where they cannot be turned away. But using an ER as a doctor’s office leads to getting hit with astronomical medical bills that the uninsured simply cannot afford. These bills typically translate into me...

Pre-Employment Physical Exam: Everything You Need to Know about Tests

  Pre-employment is the part of the on-boarding process for most of the companies. The purpose of the exam is to make sure that the employee is physically and mentally fit for the exam. The guidelines are provided by the Occupation Safety and Health Administration or the local Department of Health for pre-employment testing. In addition, the companies also review the potential employee work and medical history. The test in simple words ensures that the employee’s physical and mental health complies with the nature of the job. It can be either a long or short process, depending on the nature of the job. It is also called a pre-placement test or a Human Performance Evaluation, the physicals help companies to get an overview of the prospective employee’s overall health status. Moreover, it also enables them to make a better choice while hiring new candidates. The physical test can also be utilized for record keeping on the basis of establishing metrics. It helps the company to mon...